Now answers...well, to different questions actually. Ops. The reason why the suit (called EMU: Extravehicular Mobility Unit) is white, is because white reflects light and heat better than other colors, and also the fact that you can easily see the floating crew. All in all, it weighs 140 kg. But that doesn`t really matter up there. Underneath the 17 layers of some sort of white fabric, the guy wears a kind of underwear with water tubes in it, to regulate body temperature. Outside environment differs from +100 to -100 degrees C, depending on were astronaute is located, sun or shadow. In this high-tech outfit they breath 100% oxygen (on earth 20% oxygen/80% nitrogen), from what I know this doesn`t affect their voices, like helium. (That would have been a suitable EMU bonus though, imagine the radio communication). The "backpack" contains the already mentioned oxygen, emergency system, battery, watercooling device, ventilation fen and radio communication. As an extra feature, it`s possible to attach gas dispensers (called SAFER: Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue), used to navigate during emergencies...IF the line should somehow "disappear" or be cut. The helmet protects against radiation and light. Helmet bonus: video camera.
I have no idea how long it takes to get this thing on, but when on, they wear it for 6-8 hours...this leads me back to the toilet question. Googled it. Conclusion: americans...crazy people.
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