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Peace `n` Prize
As many others, my initial thought when I heard that President Barack Obama, was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize 2009, was: Really? The Man has been President for less than a year, and with all due respect, what kind of peace activity has he performed? But then, I read an interview with Michael Moore. At first Moore was a loud critic of the Nobel committee`s decision, but then he went home and had a little chat with his wife (you know, behind every smart man, there`s an even smarter woman) and he totally changed his position on the subject. Reason (Google translated from Norwegian):
“Never before has the election of one person, made people of all nations also felt they won. When you manage that, the Peace Prize, is the least you deserve” Moore
When reading the article and listening to “As long as you follow” – Fleetwood Mac, I have to say, the tears of sentimentality was knocking on my door. Maybe it`s naïve, but what the hell, that`s me.
Dare to be naïve!
SvarSlettBuckminster Fuller, is that you?