This beautiful pink building was my home for 4 months, I lived on the top floor (penthouse baby), room B402R. I had the best view of my life, bright green curtains, thinnest walls ever, a bed, a desk+chair and approximately 6 sq.m. Joy! I shared two showers and a filthy kitchen with 11 others. The washbasins were in the hallway. Days of luxury. Some day, I`m going back.
By the way, I don`t think the red car is a car. I think it`s a fake. Never saw it "out of position" once.
Tokyo er og blir en inspirerende eltedigel!! Får Tokyo-følelsen bare av å lese "snutten" din og se bildene. Mum
SvarSlettdu burde prøve google mamma, da tror jeg du får inntrykk av at du skulle vekslet noen penger i tillegg til Tokyo-følelsen. 1. download google earth, 2. walk around