Echo One

This is an edition from N.A.S.A.`s Echo satellites. They were the first passive communications satellite experiment, carried out in the 1960`s. The way they work is simple, signals from the Earth bounce off this structure from one point to another. Just like playing one-man-Tennis against a wall.

The "ball" was 30,5 m. in diameter and made of 0.127 mm thick metalized Mylar polyester film (whatever that is). The simple concept actually worked, redirecting telephone, radio and TV signals. Both transcontinental and intercontinental.

"As its shiny surface was also reflective in the range of visible light, Echo 1 was visible to the unaided eye over most of the Earth. Brighter than most stars, it was probably seen by more people than any other man-made object in space"....Wikipedia poetry.

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