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Last Saturday The Kon-Tiki Museum was visited, it was almost like travelling back in time. The exhibition was probably mounted in the 60s and has never seen change since then. The choice of colors and means of presentation is amazing. The below-surface-space underneath the Kon-Tiki raft (area with the big black whale shark) is the most charming place I´ve been in a long time, with it´s naïve representation of life in the ocean (...naïve, as always, in a good way). I´m a fan.
The route through the museum introduce you to the high-lights of Thor Heyerdahls magical wonders of natural science; Ra ll, Tigris and Kon-Tiki. To have a watch: Kon-Tiki
A couple of Aaltos from a couple of private Santas just arrived in my tiny apartment. I guess they are what you may call fashionable late since Christmas was last year. When I first saw them I had a flashback-moment to a certain basement in the heart of Tokyo, where I used to spend 10 ass-pain-hours a day on a similar kind (only white). Atelier Alvar.
(The man in the shop was Danish (He arranged a Tour de Lamps for my mom and me, the guy knew a whole lot about lamps, let me tell you). Second flashback-moment: Denmark I miss you!)