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Jolly Sunday. I googled "anything" in google images, and this came up. Pretty much what my plan for today is: cruise in a "funky" family car, listen to some bad boy music, wear a serious relaxation outfit and since Oslo is big time foggy today, I`m going to pretend it`s sunshine Springy. A walk in the park, here I come.
I like "seen from space"- articles. The Earth looks so good from far out. This is the Saskatchewan River in Canada, duplicated and flipped horizontally. Looking more like an evil alien butterfly than a river...or maybe not. The original picture is from Wired. "The bird’s foot delta of the Saskatchewan River in Manitoba is formed as silt carried by the river is deposited and builds up, eventually forcing the flow to find new paths. The delta measures around 8 miles across, while the most famous bird’s foot, of the Mississippi River, is more than 30 miles across.
The Saskatchewan River’s delta mud contains a lot of fossilized amber from around 80 million years ago that was carried there by the river and preserved in the sediments. This image of the Saskatchewan River was taken in 2007 by astronauts aboard the International Space Station.Read More"
I`ve just returned to Oslo after a little mid-Norway-tour, visiting family and friends. My Grandmother lives in the city of Namsos, a rather sad place when talking Architecture. Wednesday morning my G-mother had her weekly appointment at the hairdresser, and I decided to use this half-an-hour-break to explore the city center. Overall, there`s not much beauty going on but I managed to find a few objects in the category of: Me like. A couple of the buildings are in fact designed by a member of the Aursand Architect Clan, Arne.
Had a little dose of sightseeing today. This is from the roof of The Opera looking towards north-east and the city, in other words: the BarCode project. Me like. It`s very unNorwegian and wannabe metropolitan, but I have to admit that the building without facade is my favourite. Nothing beats a stripped structure. Go nudity!
"We haven`t located us yet" - Brendan, The Darjeeling Limited. The phrase of my life. The picture has a happy ending, Mr. Brody manage to jump on board. The Indian railway; the business in the world with the largest number of employees at 1.6 million people.
I don`t usually post fashion related pictures, since this blog is all about hardcore professional architecture. But, thought I make an exception, because this girl is wearing enough grid to plan a city. And I finally get to quote a famous saying; The more fabric, the merrier. It`s not so famous, I made it up, I need an excuse. I like (L O V E) baggy clothes. This creation is in the name of the designer: MatthewAmes.
The best chocolate ever is featuring in the cutest advertisement I`ve seen in a long time. Kvikk Lunsj is the perfect companion when you`re out hiking/mountain climbing. This cow totally got it.
Life changing neighbourhood activity going on at the moment, creating huge traffic jams/queues and troublesome arrangements in the department of public transport. My cup of tea. Reason for all this fuss is the architecture in the picture to the right. A new SkiJump is born, and tonight the first jump will be performed in the name of a female athlete. Go equal rights! My favourite neighbourhood architecture is the radio tower (to the left), further up the hill. It was built in 1962 and designed by PimPam aka. Peter Andreas Munch Mellbye. Previously the tower had a observation/visitors deck where you could see all the way to Sweden. (Had to close down in 2005, because of fire regulations).Tower picture photomaker: Me.Ski Jump picture photomaker: Some dude working for Aftenposten.